Introducing our board members...

Fisher is a current two-term elected Councillor on Rotorua Lakes Council and Deputy Chair of the Infrastructure & Environment Committee. He is passionate about sustainability and has championed introducing Food and Organic waste collection to households across the Rotorua District.
Caring about philanthropy and community funding, he is also a Trustee on the Rotorua Trust, holding the spokesperson role for Vibrancy - encompassing arts, culture and sports, and supports sustainable initiatives that improve environmental outcomes.

Deputy Chairman
Immediate Past Chairman Justin has owned River Rats Raft & Kayak for over 23 years and they have been Charter members for over 20 years.
Justin says that they make their living from showing off the amazing natural environment in Rotorua so he felt that there was an obligation to have as little impact on it as possible and that’s what prompted them to join all those years ago.
Helping others on a journey to be more sustainable is a great way to give back to the area he is passionate about.

We need to ensure our businesses, environments, and our community are protected now and for generations to come. I’ve been involved since the beginning of the Charter and I still believe working together helps us combine our energy and resources towards the shared goal of sustainability.

Board Member
Carl is the Operations Manager at the Millennium Hotel Rotorua (who are one of the founding members of the Rotorua Sustainable Charter). He is committed to integrating sustainable practices into business operations.

Board Member
The advent of COVID had temporarily taken business’s eyes off the sustainability ball. But there is no doubt that Climate Change, Water Quality, Waste Management, Greenhouse Gas levels, and Species Extinction - are global threats to all of us - and in need of urgent rectification.
It is everyone’s duty to do everything within our power, to rectify the mess that we seven billion humans have created, for subsequent generations to contend with. COVID may not be our main problem - it may be a part of nature’s cure!

Andrew Jensen is the General Manager of Skyline Rotorua having been appointed in July 2017.
Andrew has been a central player in the property’s significant growth and development over this time and is also a Skyline-appointed Director on the Mountain bike Events Board – the not-for-profit company that runs the global mountain biking event Crankworx.

APR Consultants Ltd was involved in the inception of the Charter in Rotorua and have worked as a major sponsor since. For more than 20 years APR has managed the Rotorua Sustainable Charter through the role of the Sustainability Advisor. In the past 10 years, APR has also taken over the role of Charter Administration.

Back in the mid to late 1990s Rotorua was on a journey to encapsulate the characteristics that underpinned Rotorua as a destination. A key part of this was about an intergenerational perspective on its values which led to the tagline “Rotorua – feel the spirit”. This was about being authentic and looking at our commitments to district residents and visitors on a sustainable basis. Three of us came together driven by the enthusiasm of the late Harvey James to develop an ongoing sustainable framework for Rotorua.
This was a flax roots initiative that was about businesses committing to a trajectory of adopting sustainable programmes around their business whether it was around reducing energy consumption, reducing waste, recycling, supporting community initiatives or increasing fuel economy for a fleet. This was also around businesses having greater connections with their communities and also about the bottom line for businesses, as many local business have found that by adopting more sustainable practices can improve business efficiency and lead to improved business performance. This ongoing journey has been a key part of Deryck’s long involvement with the Charter and ensuring that Rotorua businesses can get timely information and advice around sustainable practice through our great Charter team.
Overall this has meant that businesses adopting more sustainable practices has been good for the environment, good for our community and has enhanced Rotorua’s brand reputation as a destination.