APR Consultants are registered providers of the Business Sustainability Development Programme via The Regional Business Partner Network (RBPN)
See below for information on potential funding via RBPN.

(via the Regional Business Partner Network)
Provided by: APR Consultants
Designed for business owners/managers who want to improve their capability around sustainability and ensure ‘Build Back Better’ is not just rhetoric. Get practical, non-judgmental help in a small group workshop to look at sustainability initiatives including managing climate change by beginning to measure your carbon footprint. With follow-up coaching, you’ll identify short-term opportunities and medium to longer-term strategies to embed sustainable practices across your operations.
Description: Help lead the way in finding smart solutions for your individual business sustainability challenges. Our Business Sustainability Development Programme aims to: demonstrate the benefits of a sustainably focussed business culture; highlight customer, employee & community expectations; show financial cost-benefits; provide an understanding of procurement choices, product stewardship, and waste & resource reduction strategies. Learn about relevant industry sustainability programmes and the range of online tools available, including those to track and manage your carbon footprint. Peer learning is encouraged as participants are invited to share their successes and challenges while recognising we are all at different stages on the sustainability pathway.
Time commitment: Initially a 3-hour small-group workshop with a 1-hour preparatory checklist to allow our expert business and sustainability advisors to tailor content. This will be followed by up to 9 hours of individual post-workshop coaching, including a site visit and structured feedback. Our coaching is designed to support you in applying your learnings to identify sustainability opportunities within your business. At the completion of the workshop and coaching programme, you will have documented practical, short-term opportunities and medium to longer-term strategies to drive your business forward on its sustainability journey. Should COVID-19 restrictions be reinstated, all service aspects except the site visit can be delivered via Zoom or equivalent technology.
Cost: The total cost of this service is $1820 excl GST. Note a 50% funding subsidy may be available via the Regional Business Partner (RBP) Network (conditions apply).
Check out your eligibility for the RBP scheme at Regional Business Partner Network:: Rotorua Chamber.
New to the RBP network?
Sign up via https://www.regionalbusinesspartners.co.nz/. It will only take a few minutes and you will need your New Zealand Business Number.
Already registered for RBP support? Email Regional Growth Advisor - Charlie Windell
E: charlie@rotoruachamber.co.nz to express your interest.
A Growth Advisor will meet with you to assess your business needs. Note that wait times apply for this service and places are limited.
Price Type: Per Person
Hourly Rate: $140 NZD excl GST
Locations: Bay Of Plenty
Categories: Business sustainability
Fund Type: Capability